Bowling and Backstreet Boys

So, I went bowling today with the youth group and I forgot how much fun it is! I told Brittani that for my 20th birthday I need to go to Skate Town and relive all of my childhood birthday parties! :) Last time our youth group went bowling all we ever heard was Britney Spears, but we had a nice surprise when Brittani and I heard a Backstreet Boys song! lol It's so weird hearing those songs from when we were little, and yet I still knew every word. :) So, needless to say, today was fun, but oddly tiring, and I can't believe my weekend is almost gone! I can't wait until summer starts!


Lindsay Laird said...

Hey sweetie. I wish I could've gone with you the other night :] Sorry I didn't get to :[

Lol but I do remember hearing Britney Spears the whole time last time! I was jamming :]

Anywho- Can I come to the skate town thing? That would be fun, except for the fact that, um, I STILL can't skate to save my life. Hahaha.

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