Apparently I'm a heathen...

So, I post these pictures of Lance's going away party and I get this message an hour later from myspace informing me they had to delete one or more of my images because they were considered "sexually inappropriate". Yeah- me. That's right- I am apparently, in the eyes of myspace, a heathen. Here's my question- if my pictures of a church youth group party are "inappropriate" then what do they label their myspace ads as? Interesting...


Sarah LeighAnn said...

That's absolutely ridiculous! Was there a way for you to send a message to complain?

Yet another reason why MySpace is stupid...

Cassie said...

nope- they just said someone reported the image(s) and that they were removed. woohoo.

Peter Schott said...

Well, you know those youth group parties can get pretty wild and out of control. On the positive side, Myspace responds quickly (if poorly). On the negative side, there's apparently little/no review of the images unless there was really something there that should not have been. Really odd.

Lindsay Laird said...

Oh sweetie that's dumb! Lol but that's happened to me before! I still have the message. I never found out what picture they wrere talking about...weird...

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