Baking Biscotti

   So, my family started this Eat Clean diet about a month ago and all the recipes call for everything to be organic and basically "clean eating" so you can cut processed foods out of your daily life. Well, when you're really busy most of your options for what to eat are limited but if you're like me and currently trying to find a teaching job lol you get really tired of eating the same thing everyday. For that matter, you get tired of sitting around and watching the TV every single day. This blog post is the result of getting tired of my usual routine. 
   After awhile I found my Mom's Eat Clean cookbooks around the house and I decided to start cooking stuff for myself everyday- mind you, I've never cooked anything a day in my life besides the occasional macaroni or pre-made cookies. Well, because of this I have now have some very interesting stories about my cooking experiences lol. However, today topped them all when I attempted to make homemade chocolate almond biscotti. Apparently the dough that you end up making is so sticky that you can not get it off your hands unless you use a multiple spoons, a fork, an extra pair of hands, and a WHOLE LOT of flour. 
   Here are some pictures of the experience after Brittani stepped in to help: 

(this is the dough before we tried to touch it lol)

(the kitchen counter after we had already tried to clean some stuff up)

(Brittani was excited BEFORE we tried to roll the dough)

(attempting to roll it after we added LOADS of flour)

(yeah, it totally looks like poop)

(and the finally product- we have biscotti!!)

(so pretty! yet flour-covered)

(and of course we cleaned the kitchen after the disaster)

   The moral to this story is: when cooking be prepared to get chocolate all over yourself, the kitchen  your family, and your pet (poor Scully was not happy being covered in flour from head to tail)... but hey- I MADE BISCOTTI! 

Life After Graduation

   So, I haven't really blogged in a long time and that is mainly because I really didn't think I had much to blog about. Well, now that I'm sitting down trying to write one, I realize I was right. 
   Since the last time I posted, I finished my student teaching, graduated college with a degree in education just in time for Texas to have a huge budget crisis leaving my new shiny degree nearly obsolete. A month or two later, and I find out I have a heart condition that, although not life-threatening, is still a pain to deal with. 
   However, through all of this junk, the ups and downs and all of my new struggles that have popped up along the way, God has remained a constant, and has blessed me more than I was giving Him credit for. I've had time to really focus on His purpose for my life, my passion for missions and what my next step would be. I've had time to focus on my family, be there for my friends, and enjoy every moment I have with my church family and Frontline. It's really amazing that during all that time complaining, and even wallowing, God has been blessing me beyond anything I ever imagined. 
   And until He opens the right door for me, job-wise, I will continue to enjoy this time and be at peace. And Scully is definitely enjoying the quality time with her mom :) 

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